Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Wednesday 4th September

Welcome back everyone!!!

Who could believe that six weeks can go so fast. We hope that you have all had a super summer holiday. I bet you can't wait to catch up with all your friends on the first day back and tell them everything you've done.

This blogspot will be updated every weekend with information about what your child will be learning and doing over the coming week. It is a way to keep you informed of what is going on in school and in class throughout each term. As well as passing on information we will also be recommending relevant websites that may be useful for you to use with your child to support them in their learning. If you have any other ideas of what it might be useful to know please do tell us.

Don't forget that your child also has a diary with them which can be used to communicate with their class teacher as well as writing in it when you hear them read or check their spellings. This is useful for if we have a message to send home, or if we have something specific to say about your child's learning, or even to be able to write in it to let you know if the have participated in a Guided Reading session. If you write a note for us to see, please remind your child to show us at the beginning of the day. With the many things that go on in school the message may get missed otherwise.

When the childrenstart back at school they are in what we call their 'induction period'. During this time the children are given the opportunity to settle with their peers and new teacher, find their way around a new room (and for the year 3's a whole new part of the school!), establish class rules, responsibilities and expectations, as well as have the chance to talk about themselves, caring for others and ways of developing into successful learners.

Here's just a few of our favourite websites from last year just to get you back 'in the mood'. - WOW! Strange games = great literacy learning! - great activites for literacy 'refreshers'. - choose your adventure and practise your spelling. - lots of maths games for you to explore. - Year 4's get working on those times tables again! Year 3's how many can you do in one minute? - play your cards right...

We hope that you all have a happy and exciting start back to school.
Take care.

The Year 3/4 Team


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