Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday 21st April 2008

Welcome to this week's blogspot. Thank you to everybody who came to parent's evening and we hope you found them informative about helping your child with their learning. Mrs Harding's class went to the High School this week to learn more about Penketh in the past. Even though we all got drenched the children's behaviour was excellent while we were out. The children really liked looking at the old photographs and the objects from long ago. We thank Mrs Bethell who organised these trips up to Penketh High School.

As you will have heard on the news, the National Union of Teachers has called for a national day of strike action this Thursday. The school has been working with Warrington Borough Council and local union representatives to determine how we manage the situation. A risk assessment has been completed to determine whether the school can open or whether full or partial closure is appropriate.
School will be open as normal for all Junior classes and the only classes not to come in are Mrs Malone's and Mrs Pinto's. Children who are in these classes are not to come to school on Thursday. Sorry about the inconvenience.

Miss Robinson continues to improve and she expects to be coming back to work part time in the next month when her doctor allows her to!

This week we have a very important event for the Year Three. We have a Holy communion meeting at 6 pm on Thursday the 24th of April. It is a very important meeting and includes lots of important information about the preparation and the day itself.

The letters and phonics group will begin again next week at 2.15pm every day except Friday. There are twenty Year Three children who will be involved in this group which will improve their reading and writing capabilities. We are very grateful to Mrs Narraway for providing her expertise and Mrs Higgins who will be covering her class every day. The group will run until the end of the year when they will be reassessed to find out how much progress they have made. Please look out for extra stickers in the children's diaries with letters and sounds which could really help them improve with your help.


63% of Mrs Harding's class were heard read last week.

63% of Mrs Bethell's.

75% of Miss Robinson's.

In Literacy this week the children will be editing their traditional story work and doing three stars and a wish to make it even better. They will be given the opportunity to rewrite it up on special paper and decorate it. We will also be starting to learn about Myths and fables and be exploring more prefixes in words.
Please copy primary resources address into your task bar!

By the end of the week:
The children could have written, edited and presented a traditional tale whilst including, ambitious vocabulary, connectives, adjectives and adverbs.
The children should know the meaning of a variety of prefixes and be able to use them to make words.
The children must be able to edit and present a short traditional tale.

Mrs Harding's group will be doing about percentages and by the end of the week:

Children could be able to write percentage/decimal and fraction equivalences.
Children should be able to find 10% of a number.
Children must be able to know what percent means.

Please remember to copy and paste this into the task bar otherwise it won't take you to the right place with Primary resources!

Mrs Bethell's and Mr Slavin's groups will be carrying on with compass points and co ordinates.

By the end of the week the children:

Must: Understand vocabulary related to position and movement (x and y axes).

Should: Describe and find the position of a co-ordinate.

Could: Recognise and use the four compass points N, S, E, W.

Find the dinosaurs

What is a co-ordinate


We will be continuing about habitats and animals. We will be doing about food triangles and feeding habits of animals.

By the end of the week:

Children could know the meaning of predator, consumer producer, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.
Children should be able to make a food chain.
Children must know what a predator is.
Children must know that some animals eat meat and some animals eat vegetation and are called carnivores and herbivores.

That's about all from the 3 and 4 team. Have a great week.


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