Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A message from Miss Robinson.

Hiya everyone, Miss Robinson here. I am so sorry that I have had to be off so long and have missed so much but my health and strength are returning steadily now, so fingers crossed you will have to put up with me back in school soon.
I just wanted to wish all the Year 3 and 4 children good luck with their tests this week. I know how hard you have all worked this year and this is now your chance to show off all that you have learnt. A big well done and thank you needs to go out to your teachers as well - I know how much work has to go on every day to help you to get better with your learning. This time of year is always frantic but it's only one more week and then holidays!
I am missing you all lots and can't believe how long I've been away from you. Thank you for all the cards, gifts and kind thoughts and prayers - they really helped perk me up when I was feeling poorly. Take care and remember to do your best.
See you all soon


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