Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Monday 12th May

Welcome to this week's blog. Summer has finally arrived and the children enjoyed a lovely week doing outside PE and were allowed on the field at dinnertime. Please could we remind you of the need for bottles of water with their name on, hats and their own supply of sun tan lotion. Thank you.

Miss Robinson has another virus and will not be back until next half term. We hope that she makes a full recovery and is soon back on her feet to join us before the Holy Communion. Everybody is really looking forward to having her back soon. We all miss you!!!! If you read this Miss Robinson perhaps you could publish a message to us all. Thanking you.

Please remember that next week and the first week back are test weeks so don't stay off. If your child misses their tests then they will have to do them often on their own and without their class teacher. Sometimes this can effect the results that they get and make them less confident.

There will be a Holy Communion letter out shortly with some of the important things about the day and the preparation.

The important things are:

The date is Saturday 21st June at 9.30am at St Joseph's church.

Children need to be dropped off no later than 9.15am in the Canon Mullane Centre from where they will process to church.

There are five reserved seats in the church for your family. There will be other seats around the church to sit on.

We are requesting any Year Four parents to set up the hall the night before.

Please refrain from taking photos during the Mass.

After the Mass the children process out and will meet you at the front on the patio area.

After this the children need to be taken back to school for their Communion breakfast.

Please make sure you send your child into the Infants to have their photo taken first. Do not take them into the hall. Refreshments will be available for adults in the hall.

After the photos the children process into the hall.

On the letter there is a list of things that the children can bring in such as sandwiches, biscuits etc.

There is an away day on Wednesday 18th of June up at church. The children will also be visiting church on Friday the 20th of June. Instead of going by car we are going to walk up so we will need lots of helpers to do this on both days.

Wednesday we will leave school at 9.00am and there will be a service at the end when you will be able to collect your children. There will be a creche at school for siblings.

Friday we will leave school at 9.00am and return from church at 11.00am.

Look out for the letter .


In Literacy this week we will be reviewing quite a few genres of writing such as persuasive writing, diaries and reports. To learn more please see:

By the end of the week the children:

COULD be able to write a non fiction piece of writing during the big write.

SHOULD know use their own knowledge and writing frame to complete their writing.

MUST use capital letters and full stops in their writing.


All the groups this week will be having revision. Please scroll back to all the previous blogs to see some sites that could be useful for the Math's topics that we have studied this year. Here are a few more useful games sites for all sorts of topics. index2a


In Science this week we will be doing about different types of changes and be learning about recycling.

COULD know the difference between a physical and a chemical change.
SHOULD be able to tell you about different types of recycling.
SHOULD be able to understand burning and cooking something is a change we can’t change back.
MUST know a physical change can be changed back.
MUST know that a chemical/irreversible change cannot be changed back.

That is all for now. Have a good week.

From all from the 3 and 4 team.


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