Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Monday 6th April

Goodness! What a busy term we've had. It's hard to believe that it's almost Easter but we've made it! The children all worked very hard last week during their Test and Assessment Week and definitely deserve a week off (so do the teachers too!). This week has lots going on and below are just a few of them.

There will be no homework this week as it is a short week for us. Please remember that we will be assessing the children's reading ages when we get back so please READ, READ, READ over the holidays.


There is no swimming this week but there is swimming the first Monday back after the break.


The children can start to bring their Easter Gardens in from Monday onwards ready for them to be exhibited and admired on Wednesday. There will be prizes given out for each class. Use a shoe box and decorate in the theme of Easter. Last year the Easter gardens were amazing and we were all overwhelmed with the quality of them. The children all enjoy looking at each others work and we are all very impressed with the time and effort that always goes into their production.


Our Easter Service is on Thursday this week. There will be limited space available in the hall for those of you who would like to join in our celebration.


Thank you to those who have sent items in for the Go 4 Gold scheme. Just to remind you that the closing date has now been extended to 7th April to allow you to ask friends and grandparents if they have any 'old gold.'

The Friends have now organised the Bag 2 School scheme. You will have received a blue plastic bag on Friday, which we would like you to fill with clothing, bedding, curtains, soft toys, shoes, belts, handbags etc. Please could we ask that the bag DOES NOT contain any BRIC-A-BRAC. The bags then need to be returned to school ON WEDNESDAY 29TH APRIL. As we have no storage space for these in school, please could we ask that they are not returned before this day.


On Tuesday the children in Year 5 and 6 will be fundraising for the Good Shepherd Appeal so remember to bring some pennies in so you can join in.


I'm sure the Year Four children haven't forgotten that they off to Kingswood just after the Easter holidays, leaving at dinnertime on Wednesday 22nd April until 2.30pm on Friday 24th April. You will receive a letter this week reminding you about what they need to take and the arrangements.

Don't forget to make sure you pack these important items:
dressing gown,
soap in a box,
towels - large and small,
hairbrush or comb,
underwear and socks,
trainers with gripping soles,
small rucksack/bag,
plastic bag for dirty washing,
set of clothes for disco.

Children need to arrive at school at the normal time and bring their bags into the hall just before the bell. They can wear their own clothes but please make sure that they are wearing long sleeves.

Children will not be allowed to ring home or take a mobile with them. School will be contacted once they have arrived at the centre. In case of emergency the number of the centre is 01745 817629.

Please do not send good clothing especially if it has been raining . Long sleeves need to be worn all the time. Please remember to send a coat as it could go chilly.

The children are not allowed to bring expensive electronic equipment. Only a few pounds in a purse/wallet. Some snacks can be brought in a named bag please.

Please see below to remember the true meaning of Easter in our school and to remember it is the most important part of the Church's year. We will be spending time in class exploring this special time. - a fantastic site that takes the children through the Stations of the Cross. (It's the one that wouldn't work in my room so do check it out!) - a really interactive sites that encourages children to think and talk about the events at this time of year. - my class had lots of questions about the customs we now follow to do with Easter. This site explains many - eggs, chicks, food alongside the Easter story.

That's all for this term - many thanks to all for your continued support. It just remains to wish you a HAPPY and HOLY EASTER and have a good rest!!!

Take care

The Year 3 and 4 Team


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