Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Monday 19th June 2006

We had a very busy week last week with preparing our Year 3 children for receiving their First Holy Communion, and that continues this week. This is a really important time for them which culminates in them receiving the Sacrament this Saturday morning. The mass in church will be followed by the children sharing a meal together back at school. We know that it will be a very special day for them and you.

Our Year 4 children also worked hard on their Kingswood presentation. It is nearly ready for showing. As a result the topics will continue as last week. If you would like to continue to support your child in their learning please refer back to the recommended sites mentioned in last week's blog.

As well as all the Communion and Kingswood preparation there is a definite buzz in the air in Year 3/4 at the moment. We are taking great care in producing art work for an exhibition that will take place on the 28th June. You will have the opportunity to come and look at your child's work alongside that of children in the whole school. There will be a chance for you to purchase their masterpiece too. If you or your child want to brush up on your artistic knowledge or skills check out these great sites:

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Monday 12th June 2006

Hiya and welcome back. I hope that you have all had a fantastic holiday and enjoyed the sunshine!

During the next couple of weeks the Year 3 children will be continuing their preparation for Holy Communion. The Year 4 children will be getting ready for their Kingswood presentation (you'll be pleased to know that we hadn't forgotten how keen the children always are to show their families what they did on their residential - with tests and holidays this has been the earliest opportunity to get them all together.) A date for this will be forthcoming shortly.

In Literacy this week we are going to continue with the Poetry theme. The children will be exploring similes and metaphors, as well as reviewing onomatopoeia. They will also have the opportunity to learn about kennings - which are a type of mini-riddle. We will also be continuing to build on areas of spelling and grammar. Don't forget the poetry sites mentioned just before the holidays. But yo may also want to check out: - different writing examples and challenges, including poetry. - an easy way to find lots of different rhyming words. - spelling adventure games. - writing limericks and - developing understanding of homophones

In Science we will continue exploring sound as our practical topic, as well as extending our skills as geologists, looking at rocks. - super site to learn more out about rocks. - check out the Numeracy and Science bits on here.

Don't forget your P.E. kits, sun hats and suntan lotion - we're hoping the great weather continues and wouldn't want anybody suffering with sunburn.