Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Monday 26th February

Welcome to this weeks blog. Not a lot of housekeeping to go through this week as yet again it's a fairly normal week. Can I just put in a quick reminder to parents to keep hearing your child at least three times a week if you can manage it and to write in their diaries. I know lots of you still do and many thanks! The children worked hard on their questionnaires for RE this week. We enjoyed listening to all your different types of memories. The children then put some of the ideas into their RE books. Homework this week will be sentences/spellings and the normal maths.

Hopefully, swimming will return to normal next week. Sankey Forum cancelled the swimming as someone had just been sick in the pool just as the Year Four were getting changed. If there is any one free to help us either at 9.30am or 10.00 am please come along. If you prefer not to go home before we leave we'll find some readers for you. Thank you and see you on Thursday morning.


In Literacy this week we are continuing to learn about EXPLANATIONS. The children are quite familiar with the layout and organisation of an explanation text and so this week we will be looking at more examples and in particular how sub-headings and bullet points can make a piece of information clear.

Alongside this we are also going to be exploring apostrophes and when and how they should be used. Please check out the sites below for some extra practice: everything you ever needed to know - can you put the apostrophes in the correct place? - keep practising!


We know how hard you have all been working to lean your times tables and as a reward we are introducing TIMES TABLES CERTIFICATES. Every child will have the opportunity to work through Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. There have been lots of links to help you get better and faster and below are just some of your favourites. Don't forget to look through previous blogs for more! - how many can you do in 1 minute? - choose times tables and off you go!!! - can you hit the targets?

Here's a new one I found too. Avoid it if you scare easily. It's called Ghost Blasters and all you need to do is use the arrow to set the times table number you want to practise and then shoot all the ghosts that appear in that table:

To keep it all ticking along don't forget to use mathszone with all the different topic areas it covers:

In Maths this week Mrs Harding's class will continue to look at decimals. They need to memorise some decimals and their fraction equivalent off by heart.
Such as 0.75 = 3 / 4,
0.1 = 1 / 10
0.01 = 1 / 100

To find out how to actually do this see this web site.

For more ideas about decimals.....

They will also be reviewing symmetry and 2D shape.


In Science this week we will be reviewing our work on solids and liquids so have a look at:

We are also looking at the effect exercise can have on our bodies and how our bodies move: - check out Shifty the Robot game - explore all the different ways ourbodies can move using joints and muscles.

Last week we also looked a little at balanced and unbalanced forces and if you want to extend your learning look at the links below: - covers the basics! - read the information and then test yourself - what can you remember - if you want to really challenge yourself!


The children had a fantastic time last week making a start to their boxed environments. Thanks to everyone for collecting the things they wanted and needed and remembering to bring them in. There are still a few children in two of the classes who could not do the activity so if anybody has any spare shoe boxes please bring them in!!! This week the children will have the opportunity to finish their environment off and then evaluate how their design worked. We will be asking the children to look back on their original plan and reflect on:
* whether they stuck to it?
* if it was changed, why and how?
* if they had to do it agian is there anything they would do differently?
* are they satisfied with their end product?


Over the next few weeks we will be looking at people and Ancient Egypt. We will be looking at fashion and clothes to start with. If anybody has any colouredstraws it would be greatly appreciated. Have a look at these sites to learn more about the people.


As you are aware throughout the school we are trying to encourage the children to speak Spanish. The children in 3 / 4 can now say good morning/afternoon and many other phrases we have learnt on line!! The children are really enthusiastic about this and would love any extra help with the subject.
That's all for now! We hope that you enjoy another busy jam-packed week.
And finally just for fun:

Take care

Year 3/4 team

x x x

Sunday, February 18, 2007

19th February 2007

Hello and welcome back to another half term. We hope that you all had a fantastic break from school and are coming back all refreshed and ready to continue your learning. So far it's looking like a pretty normal week in school so let's crack straight on with it.


In Literacy we have been really pleased with how much your writing has moved on - lots of you are trying to use 2A sentences, and add a word, change a word, etc. You can all recognise the elements that are needed to write a good story and we will keep returning to develop your skills in story-writing further. However for the next few weeks we are going to move onto exploring non-fiction writing skills. This week we will be concentrating on EXPLANATIONS! - a good site that introduces the idea of explanations, how to structure what you want to write as well as some great examples so you have a very clear idea.

We will continue to develop our skills with writing sentences and will be looking at punctuation too. Check out this lesson based link about sentences - just work through the starter activity then the main and then the plenary.

If you fancy challenging yourself have a look at the link below - it's for older children but I know how many of you like to push yourself!

NUMERACY - keep those tables ticking over - they are really important. - more tables practice. - even more - you'll all be experts if you work your way through this lot! - now you've got your times tables sorted can you work out the divisions in these games? - can you apply your understanding and skills in number to solving problems (really useful for tests!) - a real challenge in mental maths - problems presented in lots of different ways including decimals!

In Mrs Harding's math's class this week we will be starting/reviewing decimals. These are a variety of sites. Some are very basic and others will stretch the more able Mathematician!!

Also we will be reviewing co ordinates/ Carroll diagrams and Venn diagrams.

And finally: - a great site that covers lots of the topic areas each group will be looking at this half term - get ahead!


In Science we will be carrying on the topic of habitats and looking at food chains and the problems that could occur in them when one part of it changes. For more knowledge on food chains please visit.


We are continuing with our theme of Ancient Egypt. Ever wondered what it was like for the ordinary Egyptian people - this week we hope to find out a little more about how they lived.

As a bit of an extra challenge can you use ICT like a researcher. Have a go at this cyberhunt - we'd be so impressed if you came into school with all the answers.


Homework will be slightly different this week. There will be normal maths homework but instead of sentences we will be asking the children to finish a questionnaire and ask their family the questions. The questionnaire will centre around the current RE topic which is MEMORIES.
In class the children will have compiled lots of questions to take home with them.
These could be the happiest/saddest/most exciting memory etc. We hope you have fun filling in the answers. The children will need to bring this back by the end of week as we will be using the answers in class for a lesson.

Please don't forget that the children will be making their boxed environments this week. They will be given a whole afternoon to do this. There should be a sticker in their diaries about this already.
They will need:
shoe box
materials and objects to make their environment.

If they still haven't decided what they would like to do then have a look at these sites for ideas. - a super little site that explores what it is like to live in the many different habitats.

Have a safe and happy week

The Year 3/4 team


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Monday 5th February

It's hard to believe that we have already reached the final week of this half term. The children have worked really hard, and following our recent assessments you may notice some changes perhaps to where your child sits for Numeracy or the Guided Reading group that they are in.

Last week the children all impressed us with the effort they put into their Book Week Literacy Homework. The quantity and quality of work they submitted was incredible and we were overwhelmed by how enthusiastically they were able to talk about all the things they had done. If you haven't popped in at the end of a day to visit the Book Fair itself it is still running on Monday and Tuesday after school.


In Literacy this week we are targetting childrens writing based on our assessment findings and are focussing our attention on using connectives to link ideas together in a sentence, and identifying simple features of non-fiction texts. - can you use connectives? - do you know what a sentence needs? A quiz on 3 levels.

Alongside this we will be continuing our cross-curricular links and asking the children to delve into the delightful world of mummification in Egyptian times! As this is a subject they have all been desperate to cover we will be requiring the children to polish up their skills in writing instructions on the mummification process. I'm sure they have already checked out the Egyptian links from previous weeks but the ones below look in particular at MUMMIES! - can you play the mummy making game and survive? Lots of graphics to show what went on with hooks and brains and other gruesome things... - you wouldn't want to be an Egyptian mummy - the gory facts! Follow the story through clicking the next button. - lots of facts on the process of mummification.


In Numeracy this week each group will be picking up on elements and topics drawn from the assessments and reviewing children's learning so far. Please check back through previous weeks blog links to consolidate your skills. Just to help here are some of our favourites: - you name the topic and this site will normally have at least one game to help you practice. - a little bit of everything - especially more times tables practice! - we do like theses adventure games. How about checking out the English and Science ones too while you're there!?


We will be continuing to explore habitats so if you're fed up with the fantastic links from other weeks check out the ones below to keep you going: - a super powerpoint style presentation with lots of information - you just need to open the file when prompted.


Next half term we are linking our main Science topic of Habitats with our Design and Technology project and we are really looking forward to it. We are sure that the children are going to love it!

This week we will be planning a boxed environment in all the classes. Over the holidays the children will need to collect a shoe box and some of the materials /things that they would like to put in it. They may like to do a rainforest, desert, seascape etc. This is a follow up activity to our Science topic on habitats. So children start collecting those things you need!

The following web site gives a list of habitats and animals which could be useful too.


In Religious Education this week we are starting a new theme called Memories. It would be great if you could chat about some of their best memories and even their earliest memories.
The Year Three children have started their Holy Communion Books and need to bring in a photograph of themselves/family. Also it would help them if you wrote down in their diary the special dates / any birthdays in their family.


We are all trying really hard this term to learn some Spanish! Have a look at the link below and then you can come and teach us new words!

As you can see we will be working hard to the very last moment. Thank you for all the effort that you have put in this half term.
Have a fantastic week.

Take care.

The Year 3/4 team