Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Please scroll down to see the new blog.


Hi. Hope that you are all having fun so far. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for better weather!If you are bored already check out these interactive websites just for fun: - for the budding artist - super information on animals. - if you like being a detective and solving clues then check out this lively story. - do you want to get ahead with your ambitious vocabulary? Then check out the games on this site. - if you want to work on your maths. Grade 2 = Year 3. It is a bit Americanised but the activities are good. - do you want to learn how to type faster? This site shows you how - it's called dance mat typing and it's as easy as a b c! A piano key board for Year Three to practise.

Have a good break.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Monday 9th June

Hi and welcome back. I hope that you have all had a fantastic holiday and enjoyed the sunshine! During the next two weeks the Year 3 children will be continuing their preparation for Holy Communion.

Well done to the Year 3 and 4 children for trying so hard in their tests in the last week. There are just a couple of tests that need 'mopping up' this week as there were a few children who went on holiday during test week. We still have our Numeracy exams to do this week so see below for lots of different sites to use to revise from.

Next week - week starting the 16th of June is very busy for the Year three who will walk up to church on Wednesday for their away day and Friday morning to practise in church for their Holy Communion.

We would like lots of people to walk up too for the two trips up to church. We are also going swimming on Thursday at 9.30am and 10.00am.


Our focus for Literacy this week is POETRY. The children will be looking at a range of poems and learning how poets use humour, rhyming patterns, figurative language, metaphors and onomatopoeia to create effects for the reader to enjoy. They will then use this learning to create poems of their own. If you fancy reading poetry or writing poems of your own check out:


As all already mentioned these are lots of sites you can revise for because we have Numeracy exams this week. Don't forget the tables too! - multiplication - division - addition - subtraction,%20Decimals%20and%20Percentages


The Year Three will continue their key board skills and all the children will be doing a lot of music over the next few weeks. We will also be practising the songs for the Holy Communion Mass. To find out more see:


In Science we will continue exploring sound as our practical topic, as well as extending our skills as geologists, looking at rocks. - super site to learn more out about rocks. - check out the Numeracy and Science bits on here.

Don't forget your P.E. kits, sun hats and suntan lotion - we're hoping the great weather continues and wouldn't want anybody suffering with sunburn. We all need to get practising for Sport's day and we all hope that the weather will hold so we can enjoy this event again this year.

That is all about now for this week. We hope that Miss Robinson will be back this week if she is feeling better.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

A message from Miss Robinson.

Hiya everyone, Miss Robinson here. I am so sorry that I have had to be off so long and have missed so much but my health and strength are returning steadily now, so fingers crossed you will have to put up with me back in school soon.
I just wanted to wish all the Year 3 and 4 children good luck with their tests this week. I know how hard you have all worked this year and this is now your chance to show off all that you have learnt. A big well done and thank you needs to go out to your teachers as well - I know how much work has to go on every day to help you to get better with your learning. This time of year is always frantic but it's only one more week and then holidays!
I am missing you all lots and can't believe how long I've been away from you. Thank you for all the cards, gifts and kind thoughts and prayers - they really helped perk me up when I was feeling poorly. Take care and remember to do your best.
See you all soon

Friday, May 16, 2008

Monday 19th May 2008

Welcome to the last week of a very long term. This is the eighth week of the term and we are all getting very tired and ready for a long rest during the holidays. Please be aware that the homework will not be sentences and it will be a talk homework instead this week. The topic this week will be to talk about a foreign country. Please remember to put a comment in their diary or we will not know that they have completed it. No sad faces please for no homework!! The children will have their normal spellings and Numeracy homework.


That time of year has arrived for Year 3 and 4 children. Following in our Year 5 and 6 children's footsteps. The Years 5 and 6 were really busy last week doing their tests and we hope that they all get the results that they deserve.
We are aiming to complete most tests this week so that we can carry on with the curriculum. We will probably leave the Numeracy tests until after the holidays as there are not enough spaces in the hall this week. It is going to be an opportunity for you all to show off your learning for this year and will also provide us with the results that are then sent home with the reports in July. For us teachers it is a chance to see what you can remember and also find out where the gaps are to ensure we fill them before you move onto your next year.

It would be really helpful if you can ensure that your child is in every day this week and the first week back as we understand how tricky children find it to sit a test on their own after all their peers have done it. We have found in the past that it can affect their final result.

Well done to any of the children who have moved up in their colour reading scheme book recently. All the children will be tested in the coming week and also after the half term. Most children do move up a colour band. Some even move up two!!! If your child does not move up it could mean that they need extra input with their reading. This not only happens in school with a reading buddy but needs to happen at home. Please make sure you hear your child read every day so that they make the progress they deserve. Please remember that we monitor every week how many children have been heard read at home and have a comment in their diary too.Thank you.

Year Three Holy Communion

Could you please make sure that you have sent back the letter regarding Holy Communion food/flowers that you will supply for the Holy Communion breakfast. We also need lots of parents to help with walking up to church on the Wednesday and Friday just before the Communion day. This form is also on the same letter. Please could we have all information by this week.

In between the tests the children will be reviewing various genres of writing still as well as improving sentences with some more of the Alan Peat work. Please spend some time this week looking back over previous blogs for the different types of writing we have explored this year. It would be valuable for you to re-familiarise and review some for this week.


Tables...tables...tables! It's amazing how quickly we can lose our rapid recall of times tables if we neglect them, even for a couple of weeks. Remember that tables permeate all aspects of the Numeracy curriculum. The children do a 100 tables tables test every week before moving onto other things. Use the links below to get them up to tip top condition.

Look back through previous blogs for revision topics or visit: - to revise areas.

In class this week we will be revising our number skills. - solve the column addition and subtraction sums. - a little bit 'cute' but a good basic level to practise your column addition and subtraction. - can you help the monkey save the apples? - can you make the Target Number?

Mrs Harding's Maths group when we manage to meet up - Will be continuing to review certain topics. The first being data handling. Please see last week's blog for lots of sites for revision too.

That is all for this half term. Please make sure that you have a really good holiday before we come back for the final six weeks of a very successful year.

Bye for now,
The Three and Four team.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Monday 12th May

Welcome to this week's blog. Summer has finally arrived and the children enjoyed a lovely week doing outside PE and were allowed on the field at dinnertime. Please could we remind you of the need for bottles of water with their name on, hats and their own supply of sun tan lotion. Thank you.

Miss Robinson has another virus and will not be back until next half term. We hope that she makes a full recovery and is soon back on her feet to join us before the Holy Communion. Everybody is really looking forward to having her back soon. We all miss you!!!! If you read this Miss Robinson perhaps you could publish a message to us all. Thanking you.

Please remember that next week and the first week back are test weeks so don't stay off. If your child misses their tests then they will have to do them often on their own and without their class teacher. Sometimes this can effect the results that they get and make them less confident.

There will be a Holy Communion letter out shortly with some of the important things about the day and the preparation.

The important things are:

The date is Saturday 21st June at 9.30am at St Joseph's church.

Children need to be dropped off no later than 9.15am in the Canon Mullane Centre from where they will process to church.

There are five reserved seats in the church for your family. There will be other seats around the church to sit on.

We are requesting any Year Four parents to set up the hall the night before.

Please refrain from taking photos during the Mass.

After the Mass the children process out and will meet you at the front on the patio area.

After this the children need to be taken back to school for their Communion breakfast.

Please make sure you send your child into the Infants to have their photo taken first. Do not take them into the hall. Refreshments will be available for adults in the hall.

After the photos the children process into the hall.

On the letter there is a list of things that the children can bring in such as sandwiches, biscuits etc.

There is an away day on Wednesday 18th of June up at church. The children will also be visiting church on Friday the 20th of June. Instead of going by car we are going to walk up so we will need lots of helpers to do this on both days.

Wednesday we will leave school at 9.00am and there will be a service at the end when you will be able to collect your children. There will be a creche at school for siblings.

Friday we will leave school at 9.00am and return from church at 11.00am.

Look out for the letter .


In Literacy this week we will be reviewing quite a few genres of writing such as persuasive writing, diaries and reports. To learn more please see:

By the end of the week the children:

COULD be able to write a non fiction piece of writing during the big write.

SHOULD know use their own knowledge and writing frame to complete their writing.

MUST use capital letters and full stops in their writing.


All the groups this week will be having revision. Please scroll back to all the previous blogs to see some sites that could be useful for the Math's topics that we have studied this year. Here are a few more useful games sites for all sorts of topics. index2a


In Science this week we will be doing about different types of changes and be learning about recycling.

COULD know the difference between a physical and a chemical change.
SHOULD be able to tell you about different types of recycling.
SHOULD be able to understand burning and cooking something is a change we can’t change back.
MUST know a physical change can be changed back.
MUST know that a chemical/irreversible change cannot be changed back.

That is all for now. Have a good week.

From all from the 3 and 4 team.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Monday 5th May

Welcome to this week’s blog spot. Finally the weather is slowly improving and the children enjoyed doing PE/Games outside. Thank you to everyone who made sure their child had the correct kit.

This week we received the basic skills renewal for Literacy and Numeracy in our school. The feedback from the senior adviser Derek Barnes was phenomenal and extremely positive. He visited every classroom and spoke to children of all ages about their learning. He was very impressed with how the children are so enthusiastic about their learning and motivated too.


We have started doing a big write every week. Most weeks we give a detailed teaching session on a style of writing and then let the children write for thirty five minutes in a silent, calm atmosphere. Some weeks we talk to the children about what they will write and some weeks we will give them no help and ask them to write independently. This week the children will be writing their own myth independently.

By the end of the week the children:

COULD be able to write a myth independently with a natural phenomena, time phrase and a traditional opening and ending.

SHOULD be able to write a myth using adjectives, adverbs, time phrases and ambitious vocabulary.

MUST be able to write a myth using a beginning, middle, climax and end.

We are still looking at the environment and are looking at the problems of pollution in our society. The children will be taking what they already know and creating a town that is the most polluted town they can think of.

We will be also reviewing the organs of the body.
By the end of the week the children
COULD know all the major organs of the body and their functions.
SHOULD know where major organs of the body are.
MUST know where the heart, lungs, and brain are.


In Mrs Harding's group we will be reviewing work for the exams at the end of May. We will be having a look at the four rules again which is a topic that we have to keep reviewing to make us even better at our Maths!

By the end of the week the children:

COULD be able to answer problem questions to do with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

SHOULD be able to decide what method to use to solve problems.

MUST be able to do all four operations with ninety percent accuracy.

To get some extra help please see:,3,Year 4 / 5

In Mrs Bethell's and Mr Slavin's group this week they will be learning about finding the area and perimeter of shapes.

By the end of the week the children:

COULD be able to answer questions to do with area and perimeter.

SHOULD be able to find the area and perimeter of different shapes.

MUST know the difference between the mathematical term area and perimeter.

To find out more about area and perimeter see below.

That's all about now for this week. Have a good bank holiday and come back in feeling refreshed with the extra day off!!

The 3 and 4 team.