Year 3/4 Weekly Update

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Monday 31st March

Welcome to this week’s blog spot. The children had a fun packed week in the last week. The amount of time and effort that had gone into the Easter gardens was excellent. Well done to everyone who participated.

When the year 3 and 4 did their fund raising the other week they raised £148 in one afternoon. This was amazing and everyone enjoyed preparing for the event.

The Easter service was led by children from all year groups in the Juniors and they did a great job. Well done to all the children who did the dramas.

We have lots of exciting things planned for the children. This week is


The Whole school is doing a lot of work on Science this week. The Key Stage One children and Foundation stage are doing all about MATERIALS.
The whole of Key Stage Two are doing about

On Tuesday we have Powergen/Fiddlers ferry coming in to talk to the three/ four classes about electricity. On Friday we have a Science show on Electricity too. If you have not sent in the two pounds contribution please send in as soon as possible. Thank you.

By the end of the week:
Children could know what metals and materials are electrical conductors and are magnetic.
Children should be able to predict what materials are conductors/insulators of electricity.
Children must be able to experiment to find out what things are magnetic.
Children must be able to experiment to find out what things are conductors and insulators.

To find out about electricity and Magnetism please clicks on these sites below.


This week Mrs Harding’s group will be reviewing a recent assessment and going over particular things that they could not answer. We also be doing about coordinates and positions of objects.

By the end of the week:
Children could be able to draw objects from given co ordinates. Children could be able to draw objects on a grid and give co ordinates.
Children should be read and plot co ordinates.
Children must be able to read and give a co ordinate of an object in a grid.

In Mr Slavin’s and Mrs Bethell’s Math’s group will be doing about fractions.
By the end of the week the children:

COULD be able to find fraction of numbers when the numerator is more than one. Example two thirds of 30 etc.
SHOULD be able to find a fraction of a number. Example one third of a number.
MUST be able to write a fraction in a shaded shape.

We are doing all about traditional tales and stories.

By the end of the week the children:
COULD know the features of a traditional tale and be able to talk about them.
SHOULD know the correct terms for collective nouns.
MUST be able to write a character portrait.

To find out more about this week’s topics see below.

We hope you have a good week and have had a good Easter holiday.

Best wishes from the 3 / 4 team.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Monday 17th March

Happy Saint Patrick's day for Monday! Wow! We have just reached the final few days of this half term. Unfortunately, last week because of the bad weather Mrs Harding's class could not walk up to the High School for their visit. It has been rescheduled for next half term in the second week. Miss Robinson is now living back at her own home and is making a slow recovery from her pneumonia. Hopefully by taking it easy she will start to feel better soon.

On Tuesday afternoon the 5 / 6 children have organised their own fundraising event and would welcome any more unwanted toys and books. Also every class will visit the hall so please give your child a bit of change.

Please remember that we are having an Easter garden competition on Wednesday morning. There will be prizes given out for each class. Use a shoe box and decorate in the theme of Easter. Last year the Easter gardens were amazing and we were all overwhelmed with the quality of them.

On Thursday there will be a short Easter service in school at 9am. Parents are welcome but please remember that we are getting very short of space. Swimming has been cancelled for this week on Thursday because it is the Easter service.

See below for more activities to do with Easter. Please remember that Easter is a very important event in the church's calendar.

We are doing lots of assessment this week. Here are some of the sites in Maths for the different groups.

Mrs Harding's group:

The children have been working very hard and have done lots of addition/subtraction/division and multiplication. Alongside this they have done lots of work on graphs, shape, fractions and decimals.

Mr Slavin's and Mrs Bethell's groups:

The children have been doing lots of work on subtraction and addition. They have also been finding out about 2D and 3D shapes as well as lots more!


In Literacy we will be assessing the children's writing. Some of the things that we have worked on this term are diaries, letters, stories and instructions. See the sites below to refresh their memory.

That's all for about this term. We all hope that you have a great holiday and we will see you again on the 31st of March for our new half term.

The 3 and 4 team.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Monday 10th March

Welcome to this week's blog.

Wow! What a busy week. The children have been absolutely brilliant in the way that they have organised the fund raising afternoon last Thursday. It was amazing to see how many different ideas that the children had come up with. There were lots and lots of stalls selling all sorts and full of things to eat and do.Every class in the school visited the fund raising in the hall. We had a large book sale too because it was world book day. After school there was a book sale for adults too. Thank you to the school council who organised this.

All this money will be added to what the children have made so far and presented to the Nugent Care. This charity comes into school and does an assembly for the children so the children know where their money is going to. Thank you to everyone who supported the fund raising this week. Well done children!! The Warrington Guardian came to the fund raising and photographed some of the children and their stall. Keep a look out for our school in the paper.

Miss Robinson continues to improve even though she is still on medication. She hopes to return home to her own house either this week or early next week as she has being back living with her mum and dad since coming out of hospital. We are all missing her very much and Miss Robinson has said she is really missing us as well!!!!

In Literacy the children will continue learning about instructions. We have looked at instructions with games, recipes and making and doing things. We have played a game by reading a set of instructions too.
This week the children will be writing their own sets of instructions.
By the end of the week the children:

Children MUST know that instructions are time sequenced.
Children SHOULD use time words and phrases within correctly sequenced instructions.
Children COULD use a comma and add extra detail to simple instructions and use adverbs within instructions.

Mrs Harding’s Math’s group we will be doing addition. We will be using different methods to add larger numbers. We will be adding 3, 4 and 5 digit numbers together. We will also be practising how to add near multiples of 10 and 100 such as 89, 103, 77 etc.

By the end of the week the children:

Children COULD be able to add using different methods and be able to solve problem questions related to adding.
Children COULD be able to adding larger numbers together with 3 and 4 digits.
Children SHOULD be able to use different methods of addition.
Children MUST be able to add 2 and 3 digit numbers together.
Children MUST be able to add near multiples of 10.

In Mrs Bethell’s and Mr Slavin’s Math’s groups this week the children will be doing about multiplication and division.

By the end of the week the children:

COULD be able to divide with remainders.
SHOULD be able to understand that multiplication is an inverse operation to division.
MUST be able to divide numbers and objects.

The children will continue to learn about teeth. The children will be thinking about how we can care for our teeth. We will be looking at different foods that are bad for our teeth as well as visiting the dentist. This might mean that your child wants to spend a little longer cleaning their teeth and may even refuse the sweets that you are offering.

By the end of the week:

Children COULD know the foods that could damage their teeth and be able to say how we can look after our teeth.
Children SHOULD be able to say how we can look after our teeth.
Children MUST know some examples of food that damage teeth.

We will be looking at rhythm and music. The children will be listening to a piece of music that is about travelling around the world. They will be accompanying a rhythm using percussion instruments. They will be able to compose a rhythm to go with a picture. To find out more about please see:,1,

Next week each class will be visiting Penketh High School to visit their Heritage room. They have lots of materials about Penketh and Great Sankey. Please remember that the children will be walking there so will need a warm coat. Please let the individual teachers know if you are available to walk up with us.
We will be leaving school at about 10.45 and returning about 12.15pm.

Mrs Bethell’s class will be going on Tuesday.

Mrs Harding’s class will be going on Wednesday.

Miss Robinson’s class will be going on Friday.

Well that is all for now. Hope that you have a safe and happy week.

From the 3 / 4 team.